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Episcopal - Kirkjudagatöl 2080

  RSS Episcopal - Kirkjudagatöl 2080 |  Prenta þessa síðu

janúar 2080

1 mán:The Holy Name of Jesus
2 týs:
3 óði:
4 þór:
5 fre:
7 sun:
8 mán:
9 týs:Julia Chester Emery, 1922
10 óði:William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645
11 þór:
12 fre:Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167
13 lau:Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop, 367
14 sun:
15 mán:
16 týs:
17 óði:Antony, Abbot in Egypt, 356
18 þór:The Confession of Saint Peter
19 fre:Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095
20 lau:Pope Fabian, Bishop and Martyr of Rome, 250
21 sun:Saint Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304
22 mán:Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon and Martyr, 304
23 týs:Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Massachusetts, 1893
24 óði:Ordination of Florence Li Tim-Oi, 1944
25 þór:The Conversion of Saint Paul
26 fre:Timothy and Titus
27 lau:John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, 407
28 sun:Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Friar, 1274
29 mán:
30 týs:
31 óði:

febrúar 2080

1 þór:Brigid of Ireland, Abbess, 523
2 fre:The Presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
3 lau:Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg,, Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865
4 sun:Centurion Cornelius c. 1st. cen.
5 mán:The Martyrs of Japan, 1597
6 týs:
7 óði:
8 þór:
9 fre:
10 lau:
11 sun:
12 mán:
13 týs:Absalom Jones, Priest, 1818
14 óði:Saint Cyril, Monk, and Saint Methodius, Bishop, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869, 885
15 þór:Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary, 1730
16 fre:
17 lau:Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda & Martyr, 1977
18 sun:Martin Luther, 1546
19 mán:
20 týs:
21 óði:
22 þór:
23 fre:Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Smyrna, 156
24 lau:Saint Matthias the Apostle
25 sun:
26 mán:
27 týs:George Herbert, Priest, 1633
28 óði:
29 þór:

mars 2080

1 fre:Saint David, Bishop of Menevia, Wales, c. 544
2 lau:Chad of Mercia, Bishop of Lichfield, 672
3 sun:John Wesley and Charles Wesley, Priests, 1791, 1788
4 mán:
5 týs:
6 óði:
7 þór:Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs at Carthage, 203
8 fre:
9 lau:Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop, 394
10 sun:
11 mán:
12 týs:Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, 604
13 óði:
14 þór:
15 fre:
16 lau:
17 sun:Saint Patrick, Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, 461
18 mán:Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, 386
19 týs:Saint Joseph
20 óði:Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Bishop, 687
21 þór:Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1711
22 fre:James DeKoven, Priest, 1879
23 lau:Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop and Missionary of Armenia, c. 332
24 sun:
25 mán:The Annunciation of Our Lord Jesus Christ
26 týs:
27 óði:Charles Henry Brent, Bishop of the Philippines, and of Western New York, 1929
28 þór:
29 fre:John Keble, Priest, 1866
30 lau:
31 sun:John Donne, Priest, 1631

apríl 2080

1 mán:Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest, 1872
2 týs:James Lloyd Breck, Priest, 1876
3 óði:Richard of Chichester, Bishop, 1253
4 þór:Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights Leader, 1968
5 fre:
6 lau:
7 sun:
8 mán:William Augustus Muhlenberg, Priest, 1877
9 týs:Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1945
10 óði:William Law, Priest, 1761
11 þór:George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand, and of Lichfield, 1878?
12 fre:
13 lau:
14 sun:
15 mán:
16 týs:
17 óði:
18 þór:
19 fre:Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Martyr, 1012
20 lau:
21 sun:Anselm of Canterbury, Archbishop, 1109
22 mán:
23 týs:
24 óði:
25 þór:Saint Mark the Evangelist
26 fre:
27 lau:
28 sun:
29 mán:Catherine of Siena, 1380?
30 týs:

maí 2080

1 óði:Philip and James
2 þór:Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, 373
3 fre:
4 lau:Monica of Hippo, Mother of St. Augustine of Hippo, 387
5 sun:
6 mán:
7 týs:
8 óði:Dame Julian of Norwich, c. 1417
9 þór:Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of Constantinople, 389
10 fre:
11 lau:
12 sun:
13 mán:
14 týs:
15 óði:
16 þór:
17 fre:
18 lau:
19 sun:Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988
20 mán:Alcuin, Deacon, and Abbot of Tours, 804
21 týs:
22 óði:
23 þór:
24 fre:Jackson Kemper, First Missionary Bishop in the United States,1870
25 lau:Bede, the Venerable, Priest, and Monk of Jarrow, 735
26 sun:Augustine of Canterbury, Archbishop, 605
27 mán:
28 týs:
29 óði:
30 þór:
31 fre:Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

júní 2080

1 lau:Justin Martyr, c. 167
2 sun:Blandina and Her Companions, 177
3 mán:The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886
4 týs:
5 óði:Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Missionary to Germany, and Martyr, 754
6 þór:
7 fre:
8 lau:
9 sun:Columba, Abbot of Iona, 597
10 mán:Ephrem of Edessa, Syria, Deacon, 373
11 týs:Saint Barnabas the Apostle
12 óði:Enmegahbowh, Priest and Missionary, 1902
13 þór:
14 fre:Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, 379
15 lau:Evelyn Underhill, 1941
16 sun:Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, 1752
17 mán:
18 týs:Bernard Mizeki, Catechist and Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896
19 óði:
20 þór:
21 fre:
22 lau:Saint Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
23 sun:
24 mán:The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
25 týs:
26 óði:
27 þór:
28 fre:Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon, c. 202
29 lau:Saint Peter and Saint Paul
30 sun:

júlí 2080

1 mán:
2 týs:
3 óði:
4 þór:Independence Day
5 fre:
6 lau:
7 sun:
8 mán:
9 týs:
10 óði:
11 þór:Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Casino, c. 540
12 fre:
13 lau:
14 sun:
15 mán:
16 týs:
17 óði:William White, Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1836
18 þór:
19 fre:Saint Macrina the Younger, Nun, 379
20 lau:Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman
21 sun:
22 mán:Saint Mary Magdalene
23 týs:
24 óði:Thomas a Kempis, Priest, 1471
25 þór:Saint James the Apostle
26 fre:Saint Anne and Joachim Parents of the BVM
27 lau:William Reed Huntington, Priest, 1909
28 sun:
29 mán:Mary, sister of Lazarus and Martha of Bethany
30 týs:William Wilberforce, 1833
31 óði:Ignatius of Loyola, 1556

ágúst 2080

1 þór:Joseph of Arimathaea
2 fre:
3 lau:
4 sun:
5 mán:
6 týs:The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
7 óði:John Mason Neale, Priest, 1866
8 þór:Dominic, Priest and Friar, 1221
9 fre:
10 lau:Lawrence, Deacon, and Martyr at Rome, 258
11 sun:Clare of Assisi, Abbess, 1253
12 mán:Florence Nightingale, Nurse, Social Reformer, 1910
13 týs:Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore, 1667
14 óði:Jonathan Myrick Daniels, 1965
15 þór:Saint Mary the Virgin
16 fre:
17 lau:
18 sun:William Porcher DuBose, Priest, 1918
19 mán:
20 týs:Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, 1153
21 óði:
22 þór:
23 fre:
24 lau:Saint Bartholomew
25 sun:Louis IX of France, King, 1270
26 mán:
27 týs:Thomas Gallaudet (1822-1902), and Henry Winter Syle, 1890
28 óði:Augustine of Hippo, Bishop, 430
29 þór:
30 fre:
31 lau:Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 651

september 2080

1 sun:David Pendleton Oakerhater, Deacon and Missionary, 1931
2 mán:The Martyrs of New Guinea, 1942
3 týs:
4 óði:Paul Jones, 1941
5 þór:
6 fre:
7 lau:
8 sun:
9 mán:Constance and her Companions, 1878
10 týs:Alexander Crummel, 1898
11 óði:
12 þór:John Henry Hobart, Bishop of New York, 1830
13 fre:Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr of Carthage, 258
14 lau:Holy Cross Day
15 sun:
16 mán:Saint Ninian, Bishop in Galloway, c. 430
17 týs:Hildegard of Bingen, 1170
18 óði:Edward Bouverie Pusey, Priest, 1882
19 þór:Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690
20 fre:John Coleridge Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1871
21 lau:Saint Matthew
22 sun:Philander Chase, Bishop of Ohio, and of Illinois, 1852
23 mán:
24 týs:
25 óði:Sergius of Radonezh, Abbot of Moscow, 1392
26 þór:Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, 1626
27 fre:
28 lau:
29 sun:Saint Michael and All Angels
30 mán:Jerome, Priest, and Monk of Bethlehem, 420

október 2080

1 týs:Saint Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, c. 530
2 óði:
3 þór:
4 fre:Francis of Assisi, Friar, 1226
5 lau:
6 sun:William Tyndale, Priest, 1536
7 mán:
8 týs:
9 óði:Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, 1253
10 þór:
11 fre:Saint Philip
12 lau:
13 sun:
14 mán:Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, Bishop of Shanghai, 1906
15 týs:Teresa of Avila, Nun, 1582
16 óði:The Oxford Martyrs, 1555-1556
17 þór:Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr, c. 115
18 fre:Saint Luke
19 lau:Henry Martyn, Priest and Missionary to India and Persia, 1812
20 sun:
21 mán:
22 týs:
23 óði:Saint James of Jerusalem
24 þór:
25 fre:
26 lau:Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, 899
27 sun:
28 mán:Saint Simon and Saint Jude
29 týs:James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1885
30 óði:
31 þór:

nóvember 2080

2 lau:All Souls Day
3 sun:Richard Hooker (theologian), Priest, 1600
4 mán:
5 týs:
6 óði:William Temple (archbishop), Archbishop of Canterbury, 1944
7 þór:Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, 739
8 fre:
9 lau:
10 sun:Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, 461
11 mán:Martin of Tours, Bishop, 397
12 týs:Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836
13 óði:
14 þór:Consecration of Samuel Seabury, First American Bishop, 1784
15 fre:
16 lau:Saint Margaret of Scotland, Queen, 1093
17 sun:Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop, 1200
18 mán:Hilda of Whitby, Abbess, 680
19 týs:Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess, 1231
20 óði:Edmund the Martyr, King of East Anglia, 870
21 þór:
22 fre:C. S. Lewis, Apologist and spiritual Writer, 1963
23 lau:Pope Clement I, Bishop of Rome, c. 100
24 sun:
25 mán:James Otis Sargent Huntington, Priest and Monk, 1935
26 týs:
27 óði:
28 þór:Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma of Hawaii, King and Queen, 1864, 1885
29 fre:
30 lau:Saint Andrew

desember 2080

1 sun:Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637
2 mán:Channing Moore Williams, Missionary Bishop in China and Japan, 1910
3 týs:
4 óði:John of Damascus, Priest, c. 760
5 þór:Clement of Alexandria, Priest, c. 210
6 fre:Nicholas of Myra, Bishop, c. 342
7 lau:Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397
8 sun:
9 mán:
10 týs:
11 óði:
12 þór:
13 fre:
14 lau:
15 sun:
16 mán:
17 týs:
18 óði:
19 þór:
20 fre:
21 lau:Saint Thomas
22 sun:
23 mán:
24 týs:Christmas Eve
26 þór:Saint Stephen
27 fre:Saint John
28 lau:The Holy Innocents
29 sun:Thomas Becket, 1170
30 mán:
31 týs: