13. Novembro
Name calendar
Slovakia | Stanislav |
Czech Republic | Tibor |
Poland | Mikolaja Stanislawa |
Hungary | Szilvia |
Lithuania | Norvydas, Eirima, Arkadijus |
Latvia | Eizens Jevgenija Jevgenijs Taida |
Sweden | Kristian, Krister |
Finland | Ano, Kristian |
Ireland | Eirnín Odharnait (Orna) Colm Caillín Faoileann |
France | Brice |
Germany | Diego, Stanislaus, Wilhelm, Briktius, Nikolaus |
Austria | Stanislaus |
Greece | Chrysostomos |
Religious calendar
Catholic | Nicholas I the Great, Pope; Stanislaus Kostka, patron of Poland |
Gréckokatolícky | Náš otec svätý Ján Zlatoústy, konštantínopolský arcibiskup. |
Lutheran | |
Orthodox | Ap. ze 70ti: Stachus, Amplius, Urvanus, Narcis, Appelus a Aristobulos; ct. Spiridon |
Animal calendar
Cao SK | Aneta |
Cao CZ | Asuna |
Cats | Sweethard Misha Mazuma Draino Ripley Livia Lovey Dillon |
Birds | Herbie Frisbee Taffy Merrifeather |
Rabbits | Bon Bon Clover |
Music Calendar
Paul Simon born, 1942 |
Birthday Calendar
Robert Louis Stevenson born, 1850 | |
St. Augustine of Hippo born in Numidia, Algeria, 354 |
Historical calendar Slovakia
1918 | francúzsky generál F. d'Esperey uzavrel s maďarskou vládou v Belehrade zvláštne prímerie |
1957 | smrť A. Zápotockého |