27. Agosto
Name calendar
Slovakia | Silvia |
Czech Republic | Otakar |
Poland | Moniki Cezarego |
Hungary | Gáspár |
Lithuania | Tolvydas, Au·rin±, Cezarijus (Cezaris) |
Latvia | Jorens Ragnars Valdmiers Zanis |
Sweden | Rolf, Rudolf |
Finland | Rauli |
Ireland | Aodhán |
France | Monique |
Germany | Cäsar, Monika, Gebhard |
Austria | Monika |
Greece | Fanourios |
Religious calendar
Gréckokatolícky | Náš prepodobný otec Pimen. Hieromučeník (blahoslavený) Metod Dominik, protoihumen michalovskej viceprovincie redemptoristov. |
Lutheran | Monica, mother of Augustine 387 (Commemoration) W – LCMS |
Orthodox | Pror. Micheáš; ct. Theodosij Pečerský; svt.mč. Marcel |
Episcopal | Thomas Gallaudet (1822-1902), and Henry Winter Syle, 1890 |
Animal calendar
Cao SK | Lejla |
Cao CZ | Edgar |
Cats | Lafeyette Sigma Hulk Forest Stymie Cyrano Violet Marathon |
Birds | Chantilly Pepe Lester Pete |
Rabbits | Rose Red Jeffrey |
Birthday Calendar
Lyndon B. Johnson born, 1908 |
Historical calendar Czech Republic
1894 | Vzplál konvent cisterciáckého kláštera v Plasích |