Nameday Rabbits - Animal calendar 2021
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2021 |
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53. | | | | 1Vanilla Pixie | 2Yukon Gandoff | 3Candy Cane Betony |
01.4LuLu Kiss | 5Royale Chip | 6Eric Angel | 7Uranus Artemis | 8Butterfinger Rosa | 9Telemachus Terry | 10Rosie Pipkin |
02.11Scabious Gianni | 12Cinderella Buddy | 13Lane Scabious | 14Opal Nugget | 15Nidorino Oracle | 16Herry Empress | 17Gem Nanna |
03.18Yosemite Sam Marco | 19Luna Silver | 20Pogo Togepi | 21Mary Rose Titan | 22Dale Gaia | 23Cerise Carlos | 24Casino Buttercup |
04.25Juanita Mickey | 26Ponyta Silva | 27Honeydew Jelly Bean | 28Aurora Rose | 29Jackie Curious | 30Princess Grace Saturn | 31Snowball Cerise |
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05.1Salsa Bebe | 2Ruby Peter Rabbit | 3Jupiter Milkyway | 4Garnet Bon Bon | 5Marjoram Emerald | 6Posey Dexter | 7Wendy Dahlia |
06.8Chip Jet | 9Peppermint Simba | 10Midnight Glitter | 11Mango Frosty | 12Breezy Ali | 13Topaz Scooby | 14Lulu King |
07.15Wanderer Blanca | 16Blissey Pearl | 17Cheyenne Orion | 18Mischief Queen | 19Zircon Eeyore | 20Ditto Rose/Rosie | 21Athena Taco |
08.22Snow White Sapphire | 23Bid Bunny Fufu | 24Jigglypuff Melon | 25Ginger Quick Draw McGraw | 26Spanky Aphrodite | 27Diana Tinkerbell | 28Cornflower Daffney |
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09.1Amethyst Amiga | 2Snow Jujube | 3Casper Sheik | 4Butterburr Ebony | 5Lucy Sleeping Beauty Chervil | 6Fam Flaffy Jack | 7Strawberry Yogi |
10.8Hazel Bear | 9Lady Blackie | 10Roo Twinkie | 11Pongo Sol | 12Emperor Ariel | 13Calypso Cream | 14Amy Captain Snow |
11.15Methuselah Peter | 16Abby Chansey | 17Nidorina Beautyfly | 18Ruby Sweetie Pie | 19Proudfoot Wonder Woman | 20Nova Daffy | 21Prince William Monarch |
12.22Fonzie Boo Boo | 23Tulip Brownie | 24Jerry Lapras | 25Cinder Clubs | 26Stantler Blackbeard | 27Pop Eye Blackjack | 28Stymie Rio |
13.29Pooh Starfire | 30Ursa Wendy | 31Breezy Peridot | | | | |
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13. | | | 1Taffy Navy | 2Honey Bun Amigo | 3Winkler Venus | 4Jade Beastboy |
14.5John-John Alfalfa | 6Threar Spade | 7Alf Andromeda | 8Inky Clary | 9Burro Chichi | 10Starlight Leslie | 11Rockjaw Tom |
15.12Gemini Sparkle | 13Sweetie Pie Bartsia | 14Dwopple Capricorn | 15DeeDee Sam | 16Rosalie Sky | 17Pirate Mocha | 18Thumper Pimpernel |
16.19Froggy Glisten | 20Sunny Sky | 21Rico Morning Glory | 22Chachi Maria | 23Venus Daisy | 24Hon Rosie Milkyway | 25Haystack Ox |
17.26Chikorita Butch | 27Berry Bravo | 28Amber Titan | 29Lord Agnes | 30Al Saturn | | |
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17. | | | | | 1Morgan Strawberry | 2Casey Olympus |
18.3Freddie Topaz | 4Arnold Chubby | 5Candy Thunder | 6Sooty Barrone | 7Princess Bosley | 8Pal Sirabi | 9King Reeses |
19.10Marquis Moonstar | 11Pepper Jerry | 12Galaxy Mint | 13Perry Mimi | 14Snowy Pineapple | 15Thyme Damson | 16Malachite Ole |
20.17Groundsel Luster | 18Farina Spunky | 19Smee Fiver | 20Buckthorn Speedwell | 21Icy Juno | 22Kumquat Jonquil | 23Passion Ash |
21.24Pablo Cannelloni | 25Mackensie Burrito | 26Thumbelina Lavender | 27Burble Eevee | 28Raven Mariel | 29Rosita Duckie | 30Howard Snow White |
22.31Dylan Speedy | | | | | | |
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22. | 1Bernard Horsea | 2Sagittarius Flicker | 3Polywag Donny | 4Knight Chip | 5Chica Candy | 6Bayleef Casper |
23.7Porky Chipper | 8London Razzle | 9Bobbo Jackie | 10Twinkle Spade | 11Sweetheart Champsky | 12Clover Joy | 13Cowslip Juan |
24.14Minnie Dinny | 15Mickey Jess | 16Petunia Robin | 17Terry Bun Bun | 18Gerry Edelweiss | 19Queen Thistle | 20Coal Peanut Butter |
25.21Brocktree Grath | 22Cocoa Hercules | 23Minerva Tiger Lily | 24Bashful Basil | 25Jasmine Martin | 26Constance Buttercup | 27Harvey Superbowl |
26.28Chloe Onyx | 29Cha-cha Boo Boo | 30Dear/Dearie Cantaloupe | | | | |
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26. | | | 1Dazzle Avens | 2Basil Stag Hare Diamond | 3Coconut Squirt | 4Happy Dame |
27.5Nose-In-The-Air Chico | 6Mallow Ralph Malph | 7Shawn Zinger | 8DeeDee Vervain | 9Baron Violet | 10Speedy Kingcup | 11Onyx Mercury |
28.12Zeus Pippin | 13Cherry Pichu | 14Sainfoin Chiquita | 15Bandit Persephone | 16Aragon Lily | 17Zirconium Nutmeg | 18Sherry Darla |
29.19Holly Tom | 20Zorro Pizzazz | 21Bingo Chum | 22Moonbeam Rose Ellen | 23Classy Jackpot | 24Sprite Fiona | 25Potsie Mercury |
30.26Mighty Mouse Hugo | 27Libra Sizzle | 28Marie Scorpio | 29Terra Boxwood | 30Vulpix Cadbury | 31Tiger Sam | |
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30. | | | | | | 1Mermaid Bubbles |
31.2Blossom Roselyn | 3Diamond Violet | 4Cracker Jack Buckwheat | 5Clematis Lemon | 6Pumpkin Aquarius | 7Charlock Scooter | 8Alex Flash |
32.9Coconut Mimi | 10Jelly Belly Arven | 11Dana Snickers | 12Huckleberry Moose Tracks | 13Alabaster Frodo | 14Derek Homer | 15Apple Mace |
33.16Pluto Cotton | 17Blackjack Penelope | 18Blanche Laurel | 19Morgana Clover | 20Florian Jello | 21Flare Artic | 22Copper Mareep |
34.23Mortimer Vanity | 24Mopsy Rosemary | 25Ryan Scarlet | 26Mango Moon/Moondoggie | 27Rose Red Jeffrey | 28Flash Nola | 29Dandin Comet |
35.30Ivory Bullwinkle | 31The Lodge Michael | | | | | |
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35. | | 1Robin Fifi | 2Frances/Francis Lando | 3Ace Amaryllis | 4Twizzler Heart | 5Energizer Bunny Olive Oil |
36.6J-J Silver | 7Elf Primrose | 8Debra Clary | 9Jamie Snow White | 10Frisky Ninian | 11Joseph Terra | 12Dizzy Wally |
37.13Shimmer Hermione | 14Pine Needles Flopsy | 15Bluebell Milo | 16Go-go Fey | 17Michael Honey | 18Charity Cocoa | 19Willow Strider |
38.20Raymond Beau | 21Acorn Twix | 22Dora Cherry | 23Pikachu Bigwig | 24Melody Tammo | 25Joanie Lala | 26Laird Tigerlily |
39.27Columbine Scrappy | 28Baby Sting | 29Merry Solar | 30Panther Butterscotch | | | |
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39. | | | | 1Marjoram Auma | 2Cookie Chip | 3Merry Richie |
40.4Chili Pepper Poseidon | 5Fairy Nightshade | 6Perogis Lasagna | 7Kiki Koala | 8Plum Tigger | 9Luke Eowin | 10Gandoff Snoopy |
41.11Stevie Basil | 12Penelope Watermelon | 13Jazzy Rosemarie | 14Wheezer LiLi | 15Thorin Spirit | 16Dumpling Buttercup | 17Mars Howard |
42.18Snowdrop Florin | 19Erin Ernie | 20Peach Pal | 21Siren Robert | 22Cinnamon Jasper | 23Jinx Merlin | 24Snuggles Sugar Baby |
43.25Prince Rascal | 26Sage Zorro | 27Diana Ivy | 28Legolas Mint | 29Sandy Tasmanian Devil | 30Dillon Anson | 31Frank Marill |
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44.1Duchess Showoff | 2Frankie Coconut | 3Piglet Peter Pan | 4Chervil Cobalt | 5Precious Velma | 6Coral Chocolate | 7Alex Blackberry |
45.8Poker Elmo | 9Ross Columbine | 10Cornflower Sal | 11Star Charming | 12Donald Ice | 13Bon Bon Clover | 14Sweetie Tonto |
46.15Tuxedo Pizzeria | 16Baggins Pumpkin | 17Hufsa Earl | 18Rain Shadow | 19Squirtle Chalk | 20Babe Bilbo | 21Rocky Jasmine |
47.22Licorice Dandelion | 23Poppy Rapidash | 24Gordo Jazzy | 25Daisy Duke | 26Campion Neptune | 27Orchis Winter | 28Moneywort Paco |
48.29Bert Moonstone | 30Fig Snazzy | | | | | |
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48. | | 1Arwin Taurus Apollo | 2Laburnum Bellossom Betelgeuce | 3Hershey Thunder Buttercup | 4Sunny Wizard Rocky | 5Pluto Smeagle Celandine |
49.6Tomato Stephania | 7Elmer Symphony | 8Marion Jupiter | 9Alaska Keno | 10Nelthilta Marjoram | 11Baby Ruth Blanco | 12Kitten Ritz |
50.13Shirley Bobo | 14Slate Glacier | 15Sassy Mossflower | 16Cici Roulette | 17Ali Peppy | 18Roslyn Henry | 19Gimley Sage |
51.20Starburst Golda | 21Apricot Ashley | 22Sweetums Darling | 23Cotton-tail Pansy | 24Pat Baronet | 25Cupid Kiwi | 26Briar Rose Bonedust |
52.27Bella Odysseus | 28Ragwort Leo | 29Ron John | 30Kelly Marion | 31Matthias Jose | | |