22. Janeiro
Name calendar
Slovakia | Zora Zoran |
Czech Republic | Slavomir |
Poland | Anastazego Wincentego |
Hungary | Vince Artúr |
Lithuania | Au·rius, Skaist±(e), Anastazas, Vincentas |
Latvia | Austris Meinhards Vincents |
Sweden | Vincent, Veine |
Finland | Visa |
Ireland | Colman Lonan |
France | Vincent |
Germany | Walter, Vinzenz, Dietlinde, Vinzenz, Anastasius, Gaudenz |
Austria | Vinzenz |
Greece | Timotheos |
Religious calendar
Catholic | Vincent of Saragossa (Spain), martyr |
Gréckokatolícky | Svätý apoštol Timotej. Svätý prepodobný mučeník Anastáz Perzský. |
Lutheran | |
Orthodox | Mč. Polievkt; svt. Filip, metrop. moskevský, divotvorce; ct. Eustratij (Vítězslav) |
Episcopal | Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon and Martyr, 304 |
Animal calendar
Cao SK | Nina |
Cao CZ | Bojar |
Cats | Nerone Zephyr Mel Lotto Sulayman Tiddles Elvis Margarite Jazzie |
Birds | Sammy Henry Boo Bud |
Rabbits | Dale Gaia |
Public Holidays
Ukraine | Unification of Ukraine Day |
Music Calendar
Sam Cooke is born in Chicago, 1935 |
Computer Calendar
Apple airs "1984" commercial during Superbowl XVIII, 1984 |
Birthday Calendar
Sir Francis Bacon born, 1561 |
Historical calendar Czech Republic
1933 | Přívrženci Národní obce fašistické se pokusili o fašisický puč, když v 0:30 přepadli židenické Svatoplukovy kasárny. |