28. Abril
Name calendar
Slovakia | Jarmila |
Czech Republic | Vlastislav |
Poland | Pawla Walerii |
Hungary | Valéria |
Lithuania | Vygantas, Rimgail±, Vitalius, Valerija |
Latvia | Gundega Gunta Tereze |
Sweden | Ture, Tyko |
Finland | Ilpo, Ilppo, Tuure |
Ireland | Cronan Suibhne (Sweeney) Lúithearn Coileán (Colin) |
France | Valérie |
Germany | Hugo, Pierre |
Austria | Pierre Ch. |
Religious calendar
Catholic | Paul of the Cross; Theodora |
Gréckokatolícky | Svätí apoštoli Jasón a Sósipatros. Svätí mučeníci Dadas, Maxim a Kvintilián. |
Lutheran | |
Orthodox | Ap. ze 70ti: Aristarch, Pudens a Trofimos; mč. Theodor |
Animal calendar
Cao SK | Lesy |
Cao CZ | Agbar |
Cats | Rebecca Sandy Carmello Martini Winnie Shady Piglet Mae |
Birds | Truffles Moesby Blue Teale |
Rabbits | Amber Titan |
Folk's sayings
Czech Republic | Mrzne-li na svatého Vitala, mrzne ještě čtyricet dní. |
Computer Calendar
Zilog Z-80 introduced, 1974 |
Birthday Calendar
James Monroe born, 1758 |
Historical calendar Czech Republic
1950 | V ČSR proběhla „akce P“ – likvidace řeckokatolické církve. |