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20. September

Nameday calendar

SlovakiaĽuboslav Ľuboslava
Czech RepublicOleg
PolandFilipiny Eustachego
LithuaniaVainoras, Tautgird±, Eustrachijus, Fausta
LatviaGuntra Marianna
SwedenAgda, Agata
FinlandVarpu, Vaula
GermanyEustachius, Henri
GreeceEvstathios, Stathis

Religious calendar

Greek CatholicSvätý veľkomučeník Eustatios a spoločníci. Sv. muč. a vyz., veľký knieža Michal a jeho bojar Teodor, černigovskí divotvorcovia.
LutheranNelson Wesley Trout, bishop, 1996 (Commemoration) W – ELCA
OrthodoxMč. Sozont; ap. ze 70ti Ebodos a Onisiforos; svt. Jan Novgorodský
EpiscopalJohn Coleridge Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1871

Animal calendar

Dogs SKČiči
Dogs CZRita
Cats Tabasco Duotone Randy Frosty Malka Launcelot Scorpio Macbeth
Parrots, Birds Bronco Bird Krazy Knoodles Kiki McGyver
RabbitsRaymond Beau

Musical Calendar

Jim Croce dies in a plane crash, 1973

Computer Calendar

Harlan Herrick runs first FORTRAN program, 1954

Birthday Calendar

Upton (Beall) Sinclair born, 1878

Historical calendar Czech Republic

1785 Papež Pavel VI. založil českobudějovickou diecézi.