10. January
Nameday calendar
Slovakia | Dáša |
Czech Republic | Břetislav |
Poland | Danuty Wilhelma |
Hungary | Melánia |
Lithuania | Ginvilas, Ginvil±, Palemonas, Agatonas, Vilhelmas |
Latvia | Dorisa Karmena Tatjana |
Sweden | Sigurd, Sigmund |
Finland | Nyyrikki |
Ireland | Diarmaid (Dermot) Díomán Tuaimmíne Brendan |
France | Guillaume |
Germany | Gregor, Wilhelm, Paulus |
Austria | Wilhelm |
Religious calendar
Greek Catholic | Náš otec svätý Gregor, nysský biskup. |
Lutheran | Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, 379; Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of Constantinople, c. 389; Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, c. 385 (Commemoration) W – LCMS |
Orthodox | 20 000 mč. v Nikomedii upálení: Glykerius, Zinon, Theofil; ct. Simeon Myrotečivý |
Episcopal | William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645 |
Animal calendar
Dogs SK | Tibar |
Dogs CZ | Gary |
Cats | Barky Kehaar Spud Linneus Pucky Fresno Whizzer Znoober Whimsey |
Parrots, Birds | Cricket J. B. Bandit Prince |
Rabbits | Rosie Pipkin |
Musical Calendar
Blues guitarist Howlin' Wolf dies in Chicago, 1976 | |
Jim Croce is born in Phildelphia, 1943 | |
Pat Benatar is born in Long Island, 1952 | |
Rod Stewart is born in Glasgow, Scotland, 1945 |
Computer Calendar
First CDC 1604 delivered to Navy, 1960 |
Birthday Calendar
Ethan Allen born, 1738 |
Historical calendar Czech Republic
1422 | Husité u Německého Brodu porazili druhou křižáckou výpravu. |
1920 | Hlučínsko se stalo součástí Československa. |
1955 | Ustavena vyšetřovací komise ÚV KSČ pro revizi politických procesů. |
Historical calendar Slovakia
1951 | 10.-15. január - proces proti biskupom J. Vojtaššákovi, M. Buzalkovi a P. Gojdičovi |